About Guruji

Sri Sadguru Sivananda Murthy is regarded as one of the greatest contemporary spiritual masters in the enlightened Guru tradition of Santana Dharma starting from Maharishi Veda Vyas and Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Guruji is considered as a living legend and an authority on Vedic literature – the Vedas, the Upanishadas, Jyotisha ( the classical Indian astronomy and Astrology), the Darshans and the Puranas. He is well versed in both the Karmakanda, the ritualist yajna part, and the Jnanakanda, the esoteric knowledge of Brahman, Atman and Mukti of Veda. He is a Yogeswara, who could provide a unique elucidation of Kathopanoishad, combining jnana, yoga and ritualistic karma components referred to in the text. He revealed, probably for the first time, the cryptic Nachiketavidya in the Upanishad to stimulate the genuine seeker to the real yoga sadhna (yoga practice) involving meditation or introspection of the deepest kind. His book katha yoga in Telugu and English has received accolades from Jagadguru Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami of Sringeri.

He has travelled extensively from Arunanchal Pradesh to Dwaraka and from Leh to Rameshwaram and performed Yaagas in all the holy places situated throughout this country, seeking the grace of lord Shiva for the welfare of this world. He is a devout patriot and is deeply concerned with the decay of institutions and values in the post-independence India. He has written innumerable articles on Indian-ness, some of which are published as five volumes of Bharatiyata (in Telugu).

Sanatana Dharma is a gift of sages of yore to this country. Guruji documented the lives and works of many such sages, as Maharshula Charitralu in Telugu. His collection of discourses on Sri Krishna unfolds the lesser known aspects of the personality and the true nature of Shri Krishna, his essential teaching in Bhagavad Gita, Anu Gita and Uddhava Gita and his interaction with people from all the strata of the society from sages and kings up to cowherd. He has written about the life and teachings of the Buddha. His commentaries on the Vishnu Sahasranama, the Bhagavada Gita and several upansihads bear the unique mark of his wisdom and depth.

As part of his effort for preserving the essence of Sanatana Dharma in contemporary India, Guruji has been encouraging classical Indian music and dance, and publication of works of literature, including republication of classics such as Sarva Darshana Sahasra and Shivadrishti (teulgu translations) He honours regularly eminent citizens of India excelling in diverse disciplines such as modern science, technology, medicine, literature, history, performing arts, social work, administration and politics.

Guruji is a friend, philosopher, a fatherly figure and a spiritual guru to the thousands of his disciples and devotees scattered all over the world, upholding the tradition of “Vasudhaivakutubakam”. Telugu university and GITAM university in Andhra Pradesh have honoured him  with D.Litt. degrees, Rashtriya Samskrita Vidhyapith with the upadhi of Mahamahopadhyaya and Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha with the title Desikottama. He is instrumental in the founding of Andhra Music Academy, Sanathana Dharma Charitable Trust, Sivananda Supatha Foundation and building magnificent temple in Utkal architecture at Beemunipatnam invoking the divine grace of Sri Mahalakshmi for the citizens of India.

Our Beloved Gududev attained Kailashprapti on 10-06-2015 leaving behind rich treasure house of Janana on Sanatana Dharma and trained thousands of devotees across the world to follow his holy foot-steps. All the activities as was being done during the life time of our beloved Gurudev will be continued with same spirit under his divine blessings. The dreams of Gurudev will be realized through the sustained efforts of devotees at Gurudham.